Small Groups
There are a large variety of Small Groups active within Bethany, in a large variety of contexts. If you are interested in being connected with a Small Group, please contact the church office at or 905 892 8980.
No matter what you call it
Small group, Bible study, Connect group, Life group, Discipleship group... we believe at Bethany that Deep Connecting through small group settings is an important part of the Christian life.
Bethany's ministry vision is: "Everyone Growing in Jesus" based on John 15:5, "I am the Vine, you are the branches."
We actively pray for the Holy Spirit to be working through us as we seek to accomplish this by:
1. Deep Connecting (through small group settings)
2. Lifelong Equipping (through mentoring relationships)
3. Compassionate Serving (by coming alongside our communities to serve and share the good news)