What to Expect at Bethany
on a Sunday Morning
All are welcome to participate in Sunday morning worship services.
Worship services begin at 10:00am on Sunday mornings, and typically are finished by 11:30am. We sing a variety of current and older songs led by a variety of singers and musicians. There is time spent in prayer, singing, Bible reading and explanation. We have an opportunity to respond to God in joy and commitment. Included in this rhythm is a time in each service dedicated to financial giving. This is an opportunity to support Bethany ministries and other specific causes that members of Bethany commit to. As a newcomer, you are welcome to give but do not feel obligated to.
Greeters & ushers are at the sanctuary doors anytime after 9:30am to answer any questions and guide you through the building if needed.
Hearing devices, large print bulletins, an elevator, a quiet sensory room, and one to one help for those with disabilities are all available if requested. Please ask an usher or greeter for more details, or contact the church office.
Coffee, tea, and juice are served after each service in the Fellowship hall. We hope that you'll stay for a while to talk and be in community!
There are a few entrances into our building.
The 4 sets of doors nearest to the road and the upper parking lot area open into the fellowship hall and are the most direct way to access the sanctuary.
The lower door on the same side of the building opens to a set of stairs that open to the fellowship hall, and a ramp that opens to the lower level which houses the child care and classroom areas.
The double door at the back of the building near the red outbuilding opens to the lower level and is a direct path to the elevator.
Will my kids be welcome?
Yes! Bethany Kids programs are offered during the Sunday morning worship services. All adult volunteers are required to be a member of Bethany, to uphold our Safe Church practices which including submitting a valid police background check.
Child care for infants (0-18 month) and toddlers (1-3 yrs) are offered during the service. Be sure to sign in your child at the counter in the downstairs hallway.
3-6 year olds and their leaders leave midway through the worship service for Bethany Kids (Sunday School). Jr. GEMS and Jr. CADETS programs run September-November and January-May for children aged 7-8 (also leaving midway through the worship service). The programs run for the remainder of the worship service. Sign in for these programs is found on the main floor in the fellowship hall.
All children must be signed in and out of the programs as part of our Safe Church practices.
What do I wear?
Come as you are, as you like! There is no dress code to be a part of Bethany. Most people come in relaxed clothing, some in business casual, that sort of thing. The Bible tells us to 'clothe yourselves with humility'.
We pray that the Holy Spirit will work in your heart as you prepare to come to worship.​